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Pré Jaquet – Hervé De Giovannini
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet
  • Pré Jaquet

Pré Jaquet

Located on the outskirts of the industrial area of ​​Villeneuve, the district benefits today from a calm situation in an environment in full development. The densification by the construction of three small buildings gives pride of place to green spaces. The most difficult constraint to manage is the nature of the ground completely saturated with water, the basements being thus practically realized above ground.

The architecture is distinguished by horizontal lines marked by contrast with the rugged relief of the alpine back-forts. The focus is on environmentally friendly and sustainable materials over time. The slabs are expressed by a concrete line, the walls by Eternit anthracite coverings, the sliding shutters made of expanded metal bronze.

The typology with a sanitary block in the apartment’s center allows distributing the rooms on the back and the kitchen and the stay on the sunniest part. The kitchen has been placed in front and communicates directly with the loggia.